Why the Health Care Reform Act law should be repealed!
Their is always a phrase that you can go back to when looking at some decisions that people will make; whether informed or misinformed. Now I've been a huge supporter of President Barack Obama, but also their has been some policies that I simply do not agree with; and actually support the states more on this issue than the federal government. Health Care Reform Act can do more harm than good in America.
Now some may say oh here we go again. But also the phrase I was mentioning is that if a deal is too sweet or good than it more than likely is... When buyin g a car for example or some jewelry. Whatever floats your boat as something that you would like to look at and eventually have; same as window shopping during christmas time. It looks good on the outside; its advertised very well, it tells you the good, but it falls way short of telling you anything bad. The bad acourse more than likely outweighs all this good that you have heard. We have heard the good as being our children can stay on our insurance until they are 26. The healthcare insurance industry cant deny you for pre existing conditions. This will provide 37 million uninsured with health care coverage. More affordable health care. It sounds like a dream. But snap snap... You wake up and notice that its not a dream, but really a nightmare. The reality of what you really is looking at outweighs the good in the product that you are about to buy. Such as medication meant to cure one ailment while being the catalyst of a new ailment that requires more medication than the last one. This is just one of those bills. I mean this literally!
Beyond all the maybelline and dressing of the Health Care Reform act is a bill. We are already in a recession and is having a hard time presently paying the bills that we already have on the table. We are worried more about where we are going to work and how we are going to feed our family; than having this add on bill as another one that "we" have to pay. For example, someone that cant afford health insurance has no control of how much money will come out of their income to pay for this insurance. Also if you dont pay than you face a monetary penalty as a result. It means either way you pay and lose income. But guess what, your income is not increasing and you are faced with cutting hours, cutting pay with "no insurance" when that pay is going to come back. When they pay will be icrease? When you will be able to go back to work; to not only pay off the fine, but to also pay the high and never ending interest that comes with this extra bill.
This is America and home of the free; and I do not believe home of lost. If you do not read into this bill than you will definitely be lost with no recourse to fight these measures. Now Virginia Attorney general and so far 25 other states have decided to fight the U.S Government on the Health Care Reform Act. This fight is one of those that is very important and Im sure AG Cuccinelli would be very shocked at my position on such mandatory bill reform. My term of added on bill with no way to figure out how to pay it off.
My reasons for why the Heath Care Reform Act should be ruled unconstitutional. First, it goes against some religions that do not allow doctors to perform even life saving operation on these type of patients, but now you would be forced with paying for a service that you didnt even sign private contract with. Its asking for every American to put their signature on a dotted line with a disclaimer full of junk and garabe.
Second, How can we control the costs that is going to take on our way of living. If me or my family gets sick than the government can take money out of my pay or check with increases that I have no redress for. I shouldnt have to go from upper class, to middle class, or to the poverty line all because of these high end expenses which dramatically cuts my income. I can easily go from a house to living in a trailer park because my health care insurance takes up too much of my pay. How can I decline the offer on such coverage when I know it is no longer in my budget and god willing that im not sick that I can go ahead and keep the money for much more important bills. Example I need water today to take my medication, but due to the health care insurance law. I have to take medication that requires water, without water. Someone may ask why my water isnt on. We'll its because of the Health Care Reform Act that money I would pay my water bill is being taken from my paycheck. The fees get higher year by year; as the government makes up more reason to take my money out of income. I wish I would have fought than because I'm not sick, or I have more important emergencies that need my attention. The smart response would be how about you increase my pay. Oppss, I forgot we are in a recession; so politicians need to start acting like it, and doing everything possile to grow the economy so we can afford our own insurance. We can control our own coverage, and we can control our own bills based off what we can afford and not on something being force to control our way of life.
My second point is there are thousans of loopholes in the health care reform act. If a insurance company wants to deny you coverage than they will find a way. Either by controlling and bribing the doctors or pharmacies. They nomally work with both. Doctors are greedy and if you want examples Medicaid fraud, and bogus billing practices to increase fees. They will do the same with the government and any other private insurance company. The lone victim to suffer more in the end is "you" the individual. I like to trust my doctor and know he has my best well being in mind, and not in just my insurance. With the government insurance and those doctors that elect to take up coverage from their insurance. You are going to deal with government doctors, and acourse those that work to keep the cost high, and you continuously down by repetitive treatment. When doctors opt out than we will get worse medical treatment than the doctors that we currently have. I do not see doctors having any problems in the future with income, and all the funding they get in order to maintain their jobs. I think I would just rather go with the devil I know than the devil I don't. With all these loopholes, like I said, they will find a way to screw "you" over. It would just be the government doing it twice.
Third, as I continue to slam the Health Care Reform Act, to a loud applause possibly from some parties. This is just one of those issues that I would have to reach across the aisle on. The government should not ever be allowed to overreach as far as to say a United States Citizen of America, has to have insurance or cant afford to live in America. This is the speech that supporters do not give you. Yes it will drive down Health Cost on the dime of taxpaying Americans, while giving them the Placebo Effect of being backed. If you do not know what a Placebo Effect is than I'll try to help you out my way. It means that we as citizens are part of the control group for the government. We allow one group to get government coverage, while the other group thinks they are covered? My opinion would say, that either group experience a significant change on their health due to this experiment. We all are going to die one day, but I rather know the truth that death has no escape, than to live thinking that theirs another way around a dead end. Once again redundant because it is.
Also the leader of the Health Care Reform Act has seem to lose confidence in his very own policy. It might be the first time the leader had a chance to read the details inside the policy; instead of telling us the normal advertisement pitch. Once again when I take medication. I'm one of those types that wants to know the side effects; so I know what to do and not to do while on this type of medication. A couple of court battles ruling that government should be a health care insurance provider does that to a leader. Now I pay attention to this because it lets me know that maybe we shouldnt go into overdrive with this policy, because someone is applying brakes at each bump in the road. Now the leader wants to say states can opt out. Im just looking at what's next. Its ok to say I didnt look this whole thing over and maybe repeal is better than just trying to fix a very broke policy.
I know in this day and age that health care costs are soaring. It is many people that need serious medical treatment and services. This bill is just simply not the way to do it. We need reform, but we need reform in many other areas that is needed. Employment, Economy, Jobs, and more. This allows us to be able to afford such luxuries while taking care of a family that so desperately needs us, and needs us to be able to take care of the necessities. Right now America just cant afford another bill. America cant afford to tax us wrecklessly to the point that the everyone this includes the rich is not pulling their weight in; in order, to bring this economy life, long lasting prosperity, and also the union that we as Americans Stand Together than we Can get through anything. We need leadership, but we also need people in office that is willing to sacrifice as well as put America people first. It is a lot of people hurting and change hasnt come soon enough. We need to go back to putting the root into office and allowing the trees and leave to grow instead of putting in weeds. We have a lot of Weeds in Government. We need to all be more informed on relevant issues, and sorry the place where the president is born, and what religion is he, has no influence on our own circumstances. We all come from different parts of this world; whether through the same country or through state. We all have met different people from different backgrounds asking not to be judged by our heritage but by our character. Our own individual need to become successful and also to be a solid neighbor.
We are worry more about other countries and can't take care of our own. Our fight isnt in Libya or Egypt. Its right here in America. The unfair sentencing laws of juveniles. The tax increases without pay increases. Governors running wild with party line agenda instead of taking care of the people's agenda. Its been way too much flip flopping by leaders. We need someone that is going to give out a clear voice, that is unwavering, and fierce in the line of opposition and repression. They fight for opportunity and the desire to tell their own story without far reaching government dictating it. Teachers being laid off but we want to be part of building the future. Our leaders want funding for education, but education is the first to start being defunded. I think its about time to defund government and those workers out there getting beat up by corporate paid politicians in the public/private sector. I think its time that you all boycott and let the government know how imporatnt your service is to America families and its children. The day that all teachers in this country stop going to class. A day when the police officers stop making arrest and continuing investigations. The day the firefighters stop putting out fires. If this all happens on one day and on a policy that dramatically affects your department or your family without compromise or at least negotiation/debate; than that day you will see real change, and a respect for what you do day in/day out to keep their policies and initiatives moving. It is about time they start taking yours.
We all have been victimized in some way or form; but we all have experience by those we consider similiar in views, values, looks, or any other characteristic that you would at first find socially acceptable. We have all been dissapointed in some shape, form or fashion; or otherwise have taken the dissapointment one's place. I can show clearly even by this article that I could care less about where you are from?, but more so where are you at in a time of emergency/need? Right now you need to be in the front line of this article. Any freedom that we have left is worth fighting for? Your background should be blind to all prejudice eyes. It doesnt matter who you are, when wrong is wrong, than my race has nothing to do with it!
Merle T. Rutledge Jr
45 Pine St
Chatham, Va
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